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About Us

Haggetts Pond trail at sunset
About friends of haggetts pond

Our Mission

We seek to protect the Haggetts Pond area for all residents of all abilities so that they can enjoy its water quality, rare species, and the existing peaceful atmosphere for generations to come.

Facebook Group Membership

Governance Challenges

Why are We Proposing Bylaws Changes

In short, because the Town of Andover has given its residents no other option to address the shortcomings in the Haggetts Pond asphalt paved multi-use trail project.  We detail the multitude of governance missteps in greater detail on our Governance page.  Here are some key points:
  • The town of Andover, notably its Facilities Department, released the details of the proposed project with far less time for the public to digest and comment in August 2023.  It was presented largely as a done deal.
  • The town is attempting to bypass the usual process for voter approval by using ARPA funds.  In spite of ARPA requirements to obtain community input, it has determined that it is free to utilize ARPA funds solely based on its administrative prerogatives.
  • The design and planning were rushed – without enough time for citizen and expert input, the town submitted a Notice of Intent to the Commonwealth that met with an initially negative response due to many design shortcomings. 
  • The town’s reaction to resident comments has ranged from indifferent to contemptuous.  The town has not proposed any binding offer to address residents concerns, to revisit the original study or start a new, more representative and inclusive design process.
  • The town is desperate to start and complete construction of some part of the trail before June 30, 2024 which is the deadline imposed by Masstrails to complete a portion of the project.  

 Our Aims

  • In the absence of meaningful engagement with the town that respects representation inclusion and compromise, three of our members submitted petitions to change bylaws to protect the areas that contain the current woodland trail
  • Help us by voting to approve bylaws changes at the March 11 Special Town Meeting that will prevent paving of the trail.  Our planned amendments will address legitimate concerns of residents and fear tactics employed by the town (the final language of the bylaws changes will not adversely impact residents’ or the the town’s freedom to engage in projects that comply with current laws and regulations).
  • Alternatively, the town could offer to freeze the Haggetts Pond asphalt paved multi-use project and subject it to a more inclusive design process followed by a vote.  
ARPA community input requirements

the truth about the proposed multi-use trail

ADA Compliance is NOT the issue

  • The towns plan designed by BSC Design group far exceeds requirements for ADA compliance and general accessibility
  • The plan would actually make the trail less accessible to individuals with certain disabilities
  • ADA requirements allow for stone dust and 3′ wide trails with 5′ passing areas.  The proposed 8′ trail (requiring a 10′ excavated strip) is aimed to create a “multi-use” path to accommodate additional vehicles
  • Materials such as stone dust can provide a hard packed surface suitable for most wheel chairs
  • Modest improvements such as expanding the entrance, adding a small parking lot and address muddy areas would involve a fraction of the proposed budget and meet ADA requirements.

What’s Really At Stake

  • Town officials would like to put a feather in their cap by showing support of a statewide initiative 
  • A multi-use trail will involve excavation and asphalt paving that will adversely affect the aesthetic of the quiet, bucolic woodland trail that currently provides residents a peaceful retreat
  • Multi-use trails are not bad in and of themselves, but constructing one adjacent to a water supply and through fragile habitats should elicit greater care